December, 2021
Dear Wynncrest Homeowner,
The annual meeting of Wynncrest Homeowners Association was held on October 13, 2021, at Crestview Middle School Theater at 7:00pm. Thank you to those of you who were able to attend. The following matters were discussed with 26 households represented in person or by proxy. The meeting was called to order by trustees Craig Sorce, Lori Roach, and Randy Roth. Lori Roach took minutes.
Fountains and Waterfall
The upper waterfall has two pumps which run on rotation every other day. One pump was sent for repairs last year. During that process the other pump sounded like gravel or air when ran. After consideration of possible causes, and evaluation by the Pump Shop, it was determined that a new retaining wall was needed to keep debris from collecting around the pumps. This seems to have resolved the issue and both pumps are working on an alternating schedule. The falls are scheduled to run Monday through Friday from 5:00 pm-10:00 pm, and Saturday and Sunday 7:00 am-10:00 pm. The falls and fountains are turned off during the winter.
There were also issues with the upper pond fountains. One fountain would light but not run, the other would run but not light. These have now been repaired. The fountains are scheduled to run daily.
Electrical and Lighting
This summer the lights at the east entrance malfunctioned. Neither side would operate when the opposite side was on. An electrician was hired to troubleshoot the issue. A new GIF was installed, but unfortunately did not resolve the issue. Ameren was called; they determined the issue was caused by how the power was being run to the entrance. In addition to fixing this issue, a new power battery backup was installed. These now use astrological timers instead of photocells. In the future, we believe it would be beneficial to install the same type of battery backup to the west entrance and path lighting.
As a reminder, if a street light is not working or needs repair, please call Ameren. You will need the number of the pole and the address the pole is nearest. Ameren is responsible for these repairs.
Lakes and Grounds
Due to the algae issue in the ponds, they were professionally treated last year. This year, we thank Randy Roth and John Wehling for raking the algae. We also self treated the pond. This strategy worked to resolve the issue with a fraction of the cost of hiring a contractor.
Thank you also to Craig Sorce and is his son Dillon who cut apart fallen limbs at the east entrance after a storm. This prompt action kept the street looking nice and helped to save HOA funds. There is another large tree down at the east entrance inside the water retention area. This area was created by MSD when our subdivision was founded. Due to the large size of the tree (2 ft in diameter) the cost to remove ranges between $6000-$9000. We have approached MSD for assistance; they have declined to help. The City of Wildwood has agreed to send someone to evaluate the issue. We are currently waiting for the City to complete this task.
Wildwood Watershed Erosion Task Force
We have two retention basins/ponds being examined by MSD. However, due to COVID, this process has been slowed considerably. The two basins are designed to hold water when it rains to avoid erosion. They hold rainwater and drain slowly. The basins are supposed to be clear of trees and overgrowth. We are being told we have to clear the growth and trees in the basins, however none of the trustees (past or present) were aware of this. The trustees will continue to work with the city and MSD regarding the responsibility for upkeep.
Street Trees
Trees between the sidewalk and the street are the City of Wildwood’s responsibility. They typically only will plant new trees in the fall. We have requested they remove and address seven trees in our subdivision. The city has a list of over 700 trees to address and will handle these in a priority order. The City believes our trees are a middle priority. The City will send a post card to the residents who will be impacted.
Street Repairs
We have had storm drains in disrepair on Wynncrest Falls Way. MSD was slow to respond and repair these drains. It was unfortunate that the city and MSD pointed fingers at each other for this responsibility. We will continue to push MSD to maintain drain repairs.
Legal Update
There has been one issue that required an attorney and an expenditure under legal expenses. This is an on-going issue regarding the interpretation of membership in the HOA as per the Declaration. We are hopeful to resolve this with the homeowner.
Homeowner Responsibility
As a new initiative we are asking each homeowner to complete and return the Volunteer Sign Up form for 2022. We believe our residents are our best resource to enrich and care for our neighborhood. This form is also available to complete electronically on our website or at
As you know, purchasing a home in a community association offers many advantages to the homeowner, but at the same time imposes some restrictions. These restrictions are not meant as an inconvenience or an invasion of your freedom, but rather as a means of maintaining harmony in your community.
As a reminder,
- Be cognizant when you or your guests are parking on the street to not double park or impede a neighbors driveway,
- Keep trash cans out of view of street,
- Make sure to abide by natural resource protection restrictions,
- If you have trees over hanging the sidewalk of your property, please trim back for sidewalk traffic,
- Please remember to pick up and dispose of the waste from your dog when walking through the neighborhood.
We began with $66,874 beginning balance. We estimate revenue to be $99,510 and expenses to be $99,799. We estimate to end the year with $66,584* ending balance.
For 2022, we estimate $66,584* beginning balance. We have budgeted $96,750 revenue, and $99,862. This would result with an ending balance for 2022 of $63,472.
(*These numbers were based on January through September 2021 actual income and expenses. The updated budget in this packet includes October 2021 as well, which as slightly improved our financial position.)
There was no quorum to hold an election. Volunteers were solicited to take over the term of Craig Sorce. With none forth coming, the current board of trustees will remain in place for 2022.