July, 2016
Dear Neighbors,
We hope you are enjoying your summer! The Trustees of your Wynncrest Homeowner Association recently held a meeting to address our financial expenditures along with other subdivision issues. We would like to share this information with you.
As you are aware this is the first summer we have enjoyed an operation of the water falls. We have been monitoring the electrical expense to operate the pumps to the falls since turning them on in late March. We have found our electrical expenditure for the pumps is running a little more than estimated and what we allowed for in our 2016 budget. In order not to exceed our budgeted amount we have reduced the operating time of the pumps a few hours each day. We feel this reasonable adjustment will allow for us to remain within budget for this category. We will continue to monitor the electrical usage and add or reduce operation time when or if needed. All other budgeted items appear at this time to be in order.
As you may know the water which we use for the irrigation system for grass and plants in the common ground around the ponds is provided via a well. Water to the irrigation system for the common ground area and entrance to the east side of the subdivision is supplied by St. Louis County Water. Recently we learned the electric pump to this well system wore out and needed to be replaced (The pump lasted for about ten years). This expenditure was a $8500.00 expense which was not anticipated and therefore not budgeted. Due to funds we hold for contingencies and replacements we do not feel this expenditure will have an impact on our finances.
We discussed and agreed to explore the cost to circumvent the well pump and connect this irrigation system directly to St. Louis County Water. The question here, is it cheaper to obtain free water from the well, but pay for electricity to operate the well pump and well maintenance, or to pay the expense to connect to and pay for county water? We will discuss this issue during our Annual HOA meeting which is scheduled for Thursday, November 10th 2016, 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be held in the Woodlawn Chapel, located on Clayton Road, a few hundred yards west of Strecker Road. A save the date postcard will be sent to you in the near future. We hope to see you all there.
We have received numerous complaints regarding homeowners who are violating our Covenants Conditions and Restrictions regarding unauthorized fences, yard maintenance, equipment in the front yard etc. These Covenants Conditions and Restriction can found on this website. We ask each homeowner to review this documents and ensure you comply.
We all enjoy a beautiful subdivision which is achieved through a common courtesy of homeowners to comply with, and a strict pledge from the HOA to enforce the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions to which all homeowners agreed. As your trustees, we are vitally concerned with preserving the beauty and underlying value of the neighborhood as well as the individual homes.
As an update all street trees which were knocked down this past winter by vehicles have been replaced. We ask everyone to travel at a reasonable speed while in the subdivision and also respect neighborhood stop signs.
We hope you all enjoy a safe summer, and hope to see you on November 10th.