Dear Neighbors,

We hope you are enjoying your summer! The trustees of your Wynncrest Homeowner Association wanted to take a moment to update you on the goings on in Wynncrest.

As you know, this winter was hard on all of the plants and landscaping (people too). The neighborhood lost many trees and shrubs and we have been scheduling the removal of them all. It’s a work in progress. We are not planning to replant or replace any of these until the fall. If you live in front of a cul-de-sac that lost a tree, we may be contacting you when we replant to help with water because the cul-de-sacs are not irrigated.

We have had several neighbors contact us with concerns about lack of maintaining landscaping and violations of the Covenants and Restrictions of Wynncrest. Our covenants require homeowners to maintain their property. We ask that if you have any dead shrubs or trees on your property, you have them removed. Please maintain the mulch beds around your homes and remove any weeds. Christmas lights need to be taken down. These Covenants Conditions and Restriction can be found on our website (

The City of Wildwood replaced the street trees that they had previously removed. If you have one of these new trees, please water it to help it through this hot summer. The City also asked us to remind homeowners to not “volcano” or mound up the mulch against the base of the trees. This can damage the tree.

If you notice any uneven sidewalks or potholes, please notify the City of Wildwood (636-405-0440). If you notice a street light out, please contact Ameren (1-800-552-7583). They will need to know the number that can be seen near the top of the pole.

The pumps and waterfalls have been in place almost ten years. After several years of having the waterfalls and fountains worked on, we finally found a company able to repair everything. The upper waterfall has two pumps. One pump stopped working and the other was not working properly. We had the pumps removed to be repaired. They are currently being worked on.

The control panel at the upper pond had to be rebuilt due to years of battling the mice infestation. Once rebuilt, the electrical conduit will be extended below the water line so the mice can’t get in. The control panel near the middle pond, was mounted on particle board that was falling apart. We had this remounted on a steel frame so we don’t have this problem again.

Finally, after all of the panels have been replaced, we are having new timers installed so that the fountains will stay on.

In May, we had the four entrance monuments power cleaned. In June, we had the entrance monuments repainted.

Our annual HOA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2018, at 7:00pm, at the Daniel Boone Library, so save the date. Please notice the month has been changed to October. We hope you will attend.

Finally, this year, the City of Wildwood’s CELEBRATE WILDWOOD will be a one day event on Saturday, August 25, 2018. City of Wildwood had invited all subdivisions in Wildwood to have a float in the Celebrate Wildwood parade, and be entered in the parade float competition. If you would be interested in heading this up or volunteering to help, the HOA has funds to apply to this. Just contact your trustee, Vicki Helfrey via email (

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your trustees.


Your Wynncrest HOA Trustees