Dear Wynncrest Homeowner,

On October 11, 2018, we held our annual Wynncrest Homeowners Association meeting. Thank you to those of you who were able to attend. The following matters were presented and discussed. Unfortunately, once again we did not have a quorum of 39 homes represented at the meeting (34 lots were represented in total), so no “official” votes could be taken.

Fountains & Waterfalls:

All of the electrical at the ponds and waterfalls has been repaired. One control panel was remounted on a steel frame because the plywood frame was unrepairable. One control panel had to be rebuilt due to years of mice infestations. The waterfall pumps were removed, one needed to be rebuilt, then they were reinstalled. All pumps, fountains and fountain lights were put on all new astrologic timers.


All of the lighting in the common ground around the ponds as well as on the four entrance monuments and along the Wynncrest Manor Drive entrance is either no longer working properly or is not working at all. This is due to a years-old lighting system that was not first installed well by the builder. Additionally, it has been repeatedly patched and repaired over the years to fix damage done by vandals and wildlife. Issues with the lighting come up frequently. Your HOA Board requested several bids for all new lighting that would be energy efficient, better placed, and warrantied. Because this is a capital expenditure, Wynncrest HOA is levying a one-time assessment of $225/lot.You will receive this assessment in the mail. This assessment is levied under Article 6, Section 1c of the declarations. The work has already begun and will hopefully be completed in January.


In addition to the general common ground maintenance, this year the four monuments were power washed and then repainted. All new locks were put on the twenty-two electrical boxes to replace the old rusted and broken ones.

One area of concern for the common ground maintenance is the area along the shores of the ponds. Much discussion was had on this topic. The HOA will be paying our landscaping company to cut back all of the ground cover around the shore of the upper two ponds annually. There is an area of crown vetch that was killed off and thus needed to be replanted around the upper pond. Originally, the City of Wildwood required this to be planted by the builder, along the shores of the ponds. This was over 12 years ago and is what was requested for ground cover at that time by the City of Wildwood. Ground cover is needed along the shores to protect against erosion. This is especially important around the uppermost pond. Years ago, the City of Wildwood stepped in to help our neighborhood complete the projects that Levinson’s abrupt departure left uncompleted. When the repairs to the three ponds were made, there was not enough money to make any repairs to the uppermost pond. It was holding water, although a few feet below the desired level. Exposed dirt can cause erosion which could cause the uppermost pond to not hold water, creating an expensive problem for our neighborhood.

For the past few years, we have been investigating the best way forward—one that will protect the ponds and that will be financially responsible for all homeowners of Wynncrest. We are continuing to investigate the best way forward.

Financial Results:

The board presented a budget that demonstrates that if we continue spending at our current rate, we are spending on average more than we bring in with our annual assessments. Therefore, it was the opinion of the majority in attendance that the annual assessments will need to be raised to cover this average spending shortfall. We will be increasing our annual assessments to $ 750/year beginning 2019.


Mike Rudloff was appointed trustee for another term.

General Information:

Please call the City of Wildwood if you see problems with the streets or the sidewalks (636-458-0440). If you see a street light out, please call AmerenUE (1-800-552-7583, exts. 2, 2, 4).

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your trustees.


Your Wynncrest HOA Trustees