Annual Meeting Notice
Date: November 14, 2012, 6:30 P.M.
Place: Daniel Boone Library – lower level conference room

October, 2012

Annual Homeowner’s Meeting-

Notification of the Annual Homeowner’s Meeting, November 14, 2012, 6:30pm, Daniel Boone Library, lower level conference room. Please plan on attending this important meeting to be brought up to date on activities in Wynncrest, as well as to meet your new neighbors. We will review the proposed 2012 budget, vote on 2013 dues, and hold our annual election for the Board of Trustees.

Waterfalls and Ponds-

Repairs have been completed on both the lower and middle ponds, and they are both holding water as designed. Unfortunately, we continue to have leakage problems with the underground pipes for the upper waterfalls. Two repairs have been made, and while the leakage has been reduced, it has not been corrected totally. We are presently waiting for the contractor to apply another repair to the offending pipes. This should be completed within the next few weeks, weather permitting.

The lower waterfalls was restarted following repairs to the pond, and while it operates as designed, a number of leaks were discovered in the masonry work on the falls which are to be repaired in the next few weeks.