July 20, 2014
Dear Neighbors,
This summer has taken its toll on many of the trees in our neighborhood.  We have approximately 96 Cleveland Pears and many of them have become infected with the “Fire Blight” disease.  Several neighbors have contacted us with their concerns.

We, your trustees, have been in contact with a respected arborist who has given the following information:

  • Fire Blight is a bacterial disease.
  • Fire Blight is easily spread from tree to tree, so all 96 trees need to be treated.
  • If you cut a branch on an infected tree, you need to sterilize your saw between each cut.
  • Fire Blight is treated with three applications, done in cooler temperatures, so the trees in Wynncrest cannot be treated until next year.

The treatment would begin in the spring of 2015.  The cost to treat all 96 Cleveland Pear trees in Wynncrest will be $1200/application.  The total cost will be $3600.  This is a significant amount of cash not budgeted, therefore, we, as your trustees, contacted the City of Wildwood.

The City of Wildwood stated that the entire City is affected by this Fire Blight.  It is such a large problem and expense, that the City Council will have to address this in their budget meeting which will take place this fall.  The City of Wildwood is hoping to be able to help.

So, where does this leave us?  This is a large expense that we have not addressed in our neighborhood’s budget.  We do not want to have 96 street trees die and lose the mature trees lining our streets.  We have discussed with the City that we believe it would be more cost effective to treat the trees than for the City to have to come and remove and re-plant 96 street trees.  We have also discussed who is responsible for the cost of treatment.

At this time, we will wait for the City Council to have their budget meeting in the fall to determine if the City of Wildwood will cover any or all of the expense of treatment in their budget.  This should be completed prior to our Wynncrest Annual HOA meeting.  We suggest contacting your local Representatives for Ward 2.  Randy Ladd and Ed Marshall can be reached through www.cityofwildwood.com.   We will then discuss what Wynncrest needs to do to address the treatment of the infected trees at our HOA meeting in November.  PLEASE Attend.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Your Wynncrest Trustees
Bob Warren, President
Vicki Helfrey, Secretary