Dear Neighbors,
We hope you are all having a great summer.
Currently, we are awaiting the engineering report on the ponds and waterfalls which is due to be delivered to the City of Wildwood any day now. Your Board has met with the city representatives and a representative from the engineering company on several occasions, and we are hopeful that the study will lay out a plan of action to correct the various issues with both the falls as well as the leakage problems associated with the ponds. Once we have the plan from the engineering company, the city will begin contracting to have the various repairs completed.
The numerous erosion problems have been corrected around the upper and middle ponds. The fixes applied by a construction company operating for the city seems to have corrected the problems. We will continue to monitor these areas for erosion.
A few of the recently installed street trees in Plat V started to lean, and the city was notified of this problem. The trees have been identified with white ribbons, and the landscape company that installed them for the city, will straighten them sometime this summer.
Sidewalk sections that are to be replaced have been identified by the city, and are scheduled to be replaced later this summer.
The upper waterfall has been cleaned and is operated on most weekends. We cannot operate this falls on a daily basis due to leaks in it which drain into the mulched landscaped area to the left of the falls. Once the leaks are fixed we will operate the upper falls daily from 7 am to 11 pm, March through November.
The landscape “island” in the center of the end of the paved path between the upper and middle ponds will be re-landscaped in the upcoming weeks.
The soil leading up to the lower pond bridge has settled presenting a safety issue which will corrected by the same company that will be doing the “island” landscape improvement mentioned above.
At the most recent homeowners meeting, a suggestion was made to have all the street trees trimmed to allow for easier traversing of the sidewalks. A landscape company has been hired to trim all the street trees so that the lower branches are removed up to approximately head height. This work will commence in the next few weeks, and continue through the summer.
We have incurred added expense for sprinkler head repair/replacement in Plat V due to sand entering the system from the well water. A firm has been engaged to install a sand filter on the well-head.
A number of large dead trees have been identified around the east entrance which present a potential safety issue, and are unsightly. They will be cut down and removed this fall.
Jones Company, Centex has been successful in selling 5 lots in Plat V, and construction is underway. Monterey Homes has completed the home on Lot 133 which was left uncompleted by Levinson. They have the home on Lot 126 under construction, and will start building a home on Lot 43, the only remaining open lot in the first phase of Wynncrest.
We are working with both of these builders to keep the worksites as orderly as possible, as well as the streets around the construction sites. They will periodically have the streets swept/washed when mud/dirt gets heavy, and the homeowners association is having the streets swept around construction sites each Friday afternoon. Both of these builders have been very cooperative in working with us on all issues.
The remaining empty lots are maintained by a contractor working for Royal Bank, and the various erosion problems associated with these lots appears to have been satisfactorily addressed.
The legal issue covered in the annual Homeowners Meeting is still open with no agreement. The court date is scheduled for October 13, 2009.
Thank you for allowing us to serve our neighborhood.
Your Wynncrest Board of Trustees